Product Overview
Sylvania P/N #64967 900 Series 70W T6 Ansi C139/E G12 (2pin) Powerball Ceramic Metalarc Metal Halide Lamp - CRI 93
Ideal for display lighting, in specialty retail and architectural outdoor applications
These lamps can cause serious skin burn and eye inflammation from short wave ultraviolet radiation if outer envelope
or the lamp is broken or punctured. Do not use where people will remain for more than a few minutes unless adequate shielding or
other safety precautions are used. Certain lamps that will automatically extinguish when the outer envelope is broken or
punctured are commercially available." This lamp complies with FDA radiation performance standard 21 CFR subchapter J. (USA:21 CFR 1040.30 Canada: SOR/DORS/80-381)
Use with 4000V pulse rated sockets only. E = Lamps classified as E-type are to be used ONLY in suitably enclosed luminaries. See lamp warning. The circuit must include overcurrent protection (I.e. Thermally switched ballast). Lamp requires a nominal Open Circuit Voltage of 230V or higher. Without an ignitor in the circuit minimum OCV is 209Vrms. UV-Stop quartz |